Monday, October 25, 2010

Catch up

Since it's been well over a year since I last blogged, I really have no idea where to start. Obviously, I shouldn't blog. I own a journal, and seldom write in that as well, I mainly keep it for when I'm feeling a little homesick, or want to remember what my kids are doing. A blog, however, which is meant for who ever wants to read it, to read it, I have no idea what to say.

It's October, and it snowed today. I know every year it's coming, we live in Canada, but every year I am baffled by the first snow. I go to bed, and dread the cold, have night mares about the impending white doom, and wake up to find it enveloping my yard. Whatever beautiful semblance of fall is now gone, buried under the white, pristine blanket of cold. It looks beautiful, but dear God, why so soon!! I will admit, the yard was looking a little dead, so, I guess it needed it's new winter wardrobe.

Halloween is coming soon! So exciting!! I have a Cleopatra, a dead ninja dude, a Little Mermaid, and a Snow White. I think this is actually my favorite holiday. It's the only time of the year that you can eat candy til you go cross eyed, dress like an imaginary friend, and knock on strangers doors expecting more candy, and not get locked up! It's a crazy persons dream! Just jokes, just jokes! I love answering the door for all the kids, it's wonderful!

So, other then that, I really can't think of anything else to say. I'm gonna try and get back into my blogging.
Nite .

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