The truth of the matter is nothing starts off simple. The day your mom holds you in her arms for the first time, the day you start 1st grade, the day you meet your love, the twilight bliss of having your own baby snuggle to your breast, nothing, is simple. The art of life, is to make it work, simply for you. I will admit, I haven't entirely figured that out yet. However, I am gaining speed in that direction.
I think about all the mildstones I have passed, failed & even just snuck through, and even if, at the time, I wasn't proud of what I had done, I can look back now and be. I know I haven't always led a normal path, but who wants to do that. I think, along with everything I have done "wrong", I have done a thousand things right. And, I'm sure I'm not the first to pass this bridge of clarity. I'm sure other people see the crystal in the shatters of paths failed and bumpy roads walked. I'm trying to get to a point here, so please, bare with me.
I am 29. I have been a mother for longer then seems right, but I made that decision, and walked it through. The simple part, is obviously, now I can look back and see that I didn't ruin anyones life by owning up to my right. I have held many jobs, wanted many careers, and have finally, somewhat settled into understanding that we all have a purpose. And, I am now only seeing, that the only person I need to please is myself. Funny 'eh.
My goal, is to focus on raising happy, well-adjusted, un normal children, as there are too many normal people in the world. After all that is complete I think I'll have found peace. The tricky part will be getting there.
The point I am trying to make, I think, is that we never really need to hate ourselves for taking a trail instead of a jet. I still don't always know exactly what I am doing from day to day, but I am listening more to my inner voice, and following my instincts. That, has made my life simpler. Enjoying the sunsets with my husband, colouring with my children, singing loudly to teen music with my daughter.
Take comfort in the simple things.