Thursday, August 18, 2011


Alright, so where do I begin.  I'm frickin bored!  I have spent most of my summer cleaning and organzing my home.  Much to the dismay of friends when they walk in and see the well loved house I call home.  I absolutly can not keep it all together all the time.  However, I truly now know where everything I need on a daily bases is for me to function at appropriate speeds. 

I'm home this evening with the appropriate amount of laundry to fold, the dishwasher continuously going and the just enough of a messy floor to know that I did wash it this morning.  I crack a beer, cause if I don't I think I may just do the cracking.  I am so bored!  Summer is almost over!  The kids are in bed, the air is freash, the sun is going down . . .  I don't wanna be stuck in the house anymore!

I think, maybe, I should be greatful that my kids have let me play good mother and housewife so well this summer.  I should be happy that I have so much stuff to take care of and clean up after. I am all of these things, just a little overwhelmed too.  I think really, I am just getting a little depressed that fall is in the air.  I love the colours, and vibrance of the reds and yellows, but oh, come on!!!  One more week of hot would be bloody beautiful too!

ugh, oh well, enough complaining.  I am going to sit on my deck and enjoy the sun lowering while sipping on a smooth cold one.